What fields do you think would most benefit from Data Scientist help? Where can we make the most impact? What is there to gain in linking data science to public policy?

In this era of 21st century, the world is influenced by the concept of "Data Flood", "Data lakes" and "Dark Data". Every field, be it IT, psychology, neuroscience, geography, history, economics etc, generates a large amount of data for research. CAJAL program by Champalimaud foundation is an initiative towards uplifting the health cluster of Portugal and provide efficient health care services to mankind.

Geographical data  ---  remotely sensed images provide spatial, temporal and aerial information of land helping natural resources data scientist to assess the topographical features of the land and policy for the land. For instance AIS data in various World Economic Forum Projects.

Neuroscience --- Brain, Cognitive Science and Perceptual computing are three intertwined strands promoting artificial intelligence. What if we can use cognitive and perceptual computing together with domain knowledge to under the functioning of the brain. This helps us in building the smallest system that just classifies patients and healthy person.

History  --- Many countries around the globe are aiming at restoring their cultures and traditions by preserving the archaic structures. At what time, repairing of the monument should be done, how many resources will be allocated, how can we enlighten the tourist so that tourism industry is not affected. These questions are data-centric and call for data science

Psychology --- this is an emerging field of data science. Human factors is a field of psychology interacting heavily with data science. for instance, Amazon offers human factors position for psychologist and data scientist. Human factors people are the driving force for making company sensible in selling the product. They tell what to sell when to sell, how to sell, how to group the product (associations) and how to attract potential consumers.


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